Key Considerations for Planning International Association Events

Before organizing an international event, associations should strategically evaluate its purpose, impact, and alignment with their international or regional strategy. Addressing key questions about the audience’s locality and purpose is essential. A World Café hosted by ASAE’s International Associations Advisory Council in October 2023 delved into these considerations and challenges in organizing international events.
Engaging local stakeholders, conducting needs assessment surveys, and building diverse host committees are crucial steps. Matt Riley, CAE, director of associations at ICS International Conference Services, emphasized the importance of clear expectations in the call for proposals and suggested considering local experts as speakers. The value of interpretation services for inclusivity is also highlighted.
From an operational standpoint, decisions about destinations, size, scope, and target audience should align with the association’s strategic goals. Dianna Steinbach, COO at the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, advocated for score-carding, removing emotion, and focusing on relevant metrics. Defining success early on, starting small, and considering cohosting can contribute to sustainable growth.
Cultural considerations pose significant challenges in international event planning. Sylvia Gonner, CAE, president and founder of CultureWiz, stressed the importance of research, understanding local cultures, and finding a balance between maintaining brand identity and adapting to host cultures. Allowing more time for the unexpected, ensuring international experience in planners, and remaining open-minded is key to overcoming cultural hurdles.
While expanding internationally can bring substantial rewards in revenue and growth, challenges are inherent. Continuous alignment with association strategy, involving local stakeholders, and redefining success if friction arises are essential. Acknowledging the learning curve and embracing stepwise growth aligned with the market’s maturity are crucial aspects of successful international event planning.
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