About Us


Today's Association Executive is a multi-platform source of content curated daily, webinars, e-mail newsletters and co-branded email blasts for leadership at associations of all sizes and types throughout the U.S.



Timely and substantive news and analysis delivered weekly into recipient’s inboxes. With high open rates, our newsletters are an unrivalled vehicle for generating brand awareness and amplifying editorial content. Our weekly newsletter enable advertisers to present a targeted message to a “topic interested” pre-qualified reader.



TodaysAssociationExecutive.com is updated daily to bring you a carefully curated selection of news and features from publications and blogs worldwide. It offers an archive of past content, a resource page, deep dives into several topics as well as a daily news glance and most widely read items.



We deliver best-in-class audience engagement and immediate ROI, enabling youto meet your lead generation or content distribution goals.



Co-brand email campaigns can be segmented by region, title, practice area, specialty and size. We deliver best-in-class audience engagement and immediate ROI, enabling you to meet your lead generation or content distribution goals.