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Unlocking Nondues Revenue: Strategies for Association Success

Unlocking Nondues Revenue: Strategies for Association Success

Four associations have shared their strategies for generating non-dues revenue. The Wisconsin EMS Association (WEMS) reduced office space and rented out surplus parking spots, resulting in increased revenue. WEMS also revamped its sponsorship program, partnering with a company that wanted to break into the EMS industry and receive a percentage of its profit in return for leads. This led to a 49 percent increase in non-dues revenue and a 31 percent increase in membership revenue.


The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) created the GALA Academy, an online learning platform using existing tools, which minimized the initial investment. They relied on volunteer speakers, maintaining a focus on quality over quantity, and plan to expand attendance for each course.


The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) adapted to the pandemic by restructuring event-related products and adopting a thought leadership strategy. They showcased partner companies as experts, resulting in double-digit revenue growth and expanded international participation.


The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) achieved over 50 percent year-over-year revenue growth by migrating its career center to Web Scribble. This offered benefits for both job seekers and posters while generating non-dues revenue. MGMA also freed up marketing staff time and continued to fulfill its mission of connecting the right talent with the right opportunities in healthcare.


These associations’ success stories showcase diverse approaches to generating non-dues revenue, demonstrating the importance of finding strategies that align with an organization’s mission and resources.

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