Membership » Revitalizing Member Value: Indiana State Bar Association(ISBA’s) Strategic Approach for Growth and Engagement

Revitalizing Member Value: Indiana State Bar Association(ISBA’s) Strategic Approach for Growth and Engagement


An article by Associations Now highlights how Joe Skeel, CAE, assumed the role of executive director at the Indiana State Bar Association (ISBA) in 2018 with a focus on enhancing and expanding membership. Recognizing the voluntary nature of ISBA membership for Indiana lawyers, Skeel aimed to demonstrate the value of joining. In 2020, ISBA conducted a member survey revealing that education, advocacy, and networking were key sources of value for members. To elevate these areas, ISBA implemented an internal strategic plan, emphasizing accountability and ownership among staff and board members.

The strategic plan involved collaborative meetings with lm,the board to establish major goals and tactics. Staff were then assigned specific responsibilities aligned with the plan and held accountable through regular strategic planning meetings. This structured approach ensured a more focused delivery of member value across Ωall departments.

ISBA also identified the importance of association sections and tailored offerings based on career stages and types. This led to the creation of targeted educational programs such as the Young Women’s Associate Empowerment Group, which provided tailored support and networking opportunities.

The strategic plan’s success is evident in the increased retention rates among young attorneys and higher membership renewal rates. ISBA’s reshaped approach to delivering programs and services reflects a commitment to meeting members’ needs effectively. Overall, the strategic plan has enabled ISBA to provide meaningful and valuable experiences for its members.

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