Leadership » Planning Your Association Staff Retreat Agenda

Planning Your Association Staff Retreat Agenda

Planning Your Association Staff Retreat Agenda

Planning Your Association Staff Retreat Agenda

In planning the staff retreat agenda, associations should prioritize the question: “How can we be better?” According to an article by Spark Consulting, this approach shifts focus away from petty internal politics and toward the organization’s mission. It encourages the sharing of new ideas and abandoning the mindset of “we have always done it that way.” 

Many association executives and consultants advocate for this change, but the reality is that not everyone sees the world this way. Internal resistance often exists due to fear of change, failure, or past negative experiences with new ideas.

Understanding this fear is crucial. Some may have had their ideas rejected or seen them fail and then faced repercussions. Others might have witnessed their successful ideas credited to someone else. While it’s not feasible to fix these past experiences, acknowledging them can help in addressing concerns more constructively. 

By empathizing with detractors and addressing their fears, it becomes possible to reduce opposition and foster a more open environment for new ideas. This approach can transform a potentially contentious process into a collaborative effort, enabling associations to implement beneficial changes without unnecessary conflict.

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