Membership » Creating a Data-Informed Approach to Association Renewal Campaigns

Creating a Data-Informed Approach to Association Renewal Campaigns

Unlocking Association Success Through Strategic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI) Integration in Educational Programs

Creating a Data-Informed Approach to Association Renewal Campaigns

Renewal season can be challenging for associations due to limited resources, fixed budgets, and competing priorities. However, according to an article by Association Analytics, leveraging existing data can lead to better retention results during association renewal campaigns.

Understanding why members don’t renew is crucial. Often, members cite price, but the real issue is a perceived lack of value in the association’s offerings. Ensuring products and services are relevant and unique is essential. Poor communication, such as missed renewal notices due to incorrect contact information or irrelevant communications, also impacts renewals. Consistent and valuable communication throughout the year is key.

To build rapport and nurture member relationships, the article suggests associations should use five types of membership campaigns:

  • Membership Acquisition: Converting prospects to members.
  • Member Welcome: Introducing new members to benefits.
  • Member Engagement: Connecting members to their benefits.
  • Member Renewal: Invoicing and collecting dues.
  • Member Win-Back: Reconnecting with former members.

Effective association renewal campaigns should start communications 90 days before expiration, adjusting strategies seasonally. Compelling subject lines, scannable email formats, and urgency in design elements can increase effectiveness. Testing different approaches and using transactional emails can also help reach members.

A data-informed approach involves continuous improvement through segmentation, personalized content, multi-channel strategies, and engagement monitoring, leading to higher member retention over time.

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