Leadership » Building a Talent Pipeline in the Post-Pandemic Era

Building a Talent Pipeline in the Post-Pandemic Era


In the post-pandemic era, organizations are grappling with the challenge of retaining talent in the face of “quiet quitting,” middle management pressures, and concerns over toxic leadership, according to an article by Associations Now. The central question emerging is: How do you keep good people? To address this, companies are focusing on developing a robust talent pipeline for key staff roles, committees, and boards.

Jennifer Christie, the Chief People Officer at DocuSign, stresses the significance of providing training that offers a realistic view of leadership and management responsibilities. This involves ensuring that individuals who are entering leadership roles are fully aware of the emotional labor and challenges involved.

According to a Harvard Business Review article, which cites research by Gartner on management pipeline training, it is essential to have clarity about the realities of the job. The focus should shift from mechanics like performance reviews to addressing complex issues such as pay equity, social justice, remote work, and layoffs.

The article argues that leadership requires emotional labor as much as strategic thinking. Some companies incorporate formal training alongside informal conversations about candidates’ resilience in their personal and professional lives. While organizations seek individuals with diverse skills and experiences for leadership roles, emphasis is placed on identifying those who excel in making decisive and difficult decisions.

It is important to acknowledge that not everyone may be suited for leadership roles at a given moment. DocuSign and Gartner both advocate for creating a culture where opting out of leadership positions is respected and destigmatized. However, this can be challenging as Gartner’s research reveals that only half of surveyed managers believe individuals can return to non-leadership roles without facing a loss in pay and respect.

To address potential gaps in leadership, organizations are encouraged to foster discussions about creating opportunities for skill development. This may include ad hoc committees, task forces, small teams, external training, or other avenues. By providing opportunities for individuals to enhance their leadership and management skills, organizations not only engage their members but also bolster their ability to retain valuable talent in a competitive landscape.

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