Membership » Boosting Association Member Engagement Through Effective Volunteerism

Boosting Association Member Engagement Through Effective Volunteerism


Boosting Association Member Engagement Through Effective Volunteerism

Effective volunteerism is a potent tool for increasing member engagement and advancing the mission of professional and trade associations. To maximize its impact, an article by ASAE says that associations should adopt a comprehensive approach, considering actions before, during, and after volunteer activities.

According to the article, the initial step involves selecting meaningful and productive volunteer opportunities that are in line with the organization’s objectives. Create activities that are seen as valuable contributions to the mission rather than busy work. For example, involving committees with specific interests can boost volunteer engagement. Committees focused on career awareness, for instance, can effectively mobilize members for events such as career fairs or case competitions.

The article mentions other strategies for effective volunteerism:

Maximizing the productivity of volunteers involves clear communication and preparation. Provide detailed logistics about the event, including parking and security, and ensure supplies are organized. During the event, maintaining momentum and engagement is key, and volunteers should have a dynamic experience that meets both community and personal needs. Utilize volunteers’ skills beyond their immediate presence, such as through brainstorming or writing.

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing engagement. Social media platforms can boost visibility, recognize volunteers, and attract new members. Marketing campaigns and engaging content related to volunteer activities can refresh the association’s online presence. Tools like SignUpGenius and SurveyMonkey streamline volunteer management and feedback collection.

Post-event, it’s important to continue engagement by thanking volunteers, collecting feedback, and sharing event highlights. This follow-up helps build stronger connections and prepares the ground for future involvement. Overall, volunteerism not only supports organizational goals but also fosters member engagement and offers networking opportunities.

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