Membership » Three Strategies for Delivering Personalized Experiences in Associations

Three Strategies for Delivering Personalized Experiences in Associations

Associations and Effective Workforce Development

Three Strategies for Delivering Personalized Experiences in Associations

According to an article by NetForum, members expect personalized experiences in associations. Community Brands research indicates that 65% of members are interested in personalization, with 79% finding it crucial for their organization to offer targeted, valuable content. Yet, only 24% of associations invest in such personalization, highlighting a significant opportunity for improvement.

To meet these expectations, the article suggests associations can adopt three strategies:

Utilize association management systems (AMS) and other tools to gather and analyze member data regularly. This allows for targeted communications and personalized recommendations, enhancing the member experience based on career stages, interests, and behaviors.

Although 71% of members are concerned about data privacy, many are willing to share information if it is secure and beneficial. Associations should ensure their AMS has robust security features like multi-factor authentication, tokenization, data recovery, and compliance certifications. Transparency about data use and security measures can build member trust and loyalty.

Integrate AMS with online career centers and learning management systems (LMS) for a seamless member experience. This includes synchronized data updates, e-commerce integrations for purchasing learning products, automated emails for certification steps, and intelligent job recommendations based on AMS profiles.

By implementing these strategies, associations can significantly enhance member satisfaction and loyalty through personalized and secure experiences.

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