Business » Six Strategies for Embracing Equity in the Workplace

Six Strategies for Embracing Equity in the Workplace


International Women’s Day (IWD) is a reminder that associations need to embrace equitable policies and programs to accelerate the timeline to achieve gender parity in their own organizations and industries, as women are disproportionately concentrated at the lower levels of organizations. McKinsey’s 2022 research shows that for every 100 men promoted from entry-level roles to junior manager positions, only 87 women are promoted, and only 82 women of color are promoted. Sponsoring women is one of the most effective ways to equitably advance them, as it involves sponsors actively looking for opportunities for their proteges and advocating for them to get that next promotion, stretch project, professional development, or other opportunities. Train managers to give honest and specific feedback to women, modify job descriptions to eliminate unnecessary requirements and gendered language, and require diverse slates of candidates for promotions. Normalize talking about caregiving in the workplace, provide support for taking time off for doctors’ appointments, meetings with schools, and the like, and provide flexibility. A talented workforce is increasingly dependent on businesses embracing equity. To assist you to recruit and promote more women in your firm, redesigning how you provide feedback, describe job positions, decide on promotions, and support caregivers are equitable tactics.

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