Business » 7 Practical Ways to Design a Better Association Strategy

7 Practical Ways to Design a Better Association Strategy

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Strategic planning is one of the most important but intimidating parts of association work, and there are many factors to consider when designing a calculated association strategy that can guide your association in the short, medium and long term.

Here are 7 best practices for thoughtfully assembling a better association strategic plan.

1. Let Your Values Guide Your Association Strategy

2. Decide Who Will Set Your Association Strategy

3. Gather Appropriate Data To Establish A Plan

4. Decide On Your Strategic Planning Timeline

5. Align Your Internal And External Key Stakeholders With Your New Association Strategy

6. Factor In Technology

7. Determine How You’ll Measure Strategic Success

A dynamic, actionable association strategy takes thoughtful planning from many angles. Start by building your strategy on a value-based foundation, then be sure to incorporate all essential perspectives.

Then take time to assess the strategic planning timeline, while keeping open lines of communication with both internal and external stakeholders. Remember to include ways to measure success with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) before implementation, and don’t forget to consider how technology can enhance your new strategy.

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